Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 29

We just sorta hung out the last couple days! Emily has an interview next week, so that is cool! Mommy and Em went through some of my clothes cuz I am really growing and can wear wear 0-3 months now, not newborn so much!

Auntie Em is giving me a bottle while mommy is at clinicals

Nothing like that early morning catnap...........oh so cuddly and warm!

Looks like it is laundry time ~ the basket is full!

I love my bouncy chair, and now I like to watch the bubbles it makes and the fish move!

Auntie Em is heading home, but she'll be back!

Mommy has to go to class this afternoon. This is the same place she stood six weeks ago, just before she and daddy left for the hospital to have me. How about those chunky legs!!

Below are some pictures Grandma took in the afternoon. I like to grab things now and grandma is happy when I hold her finger! Sometimes I grab mommy's hair and I am not sure mommy is happy about that!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 27

Today I hung out during the day waiting for Auntie Em to come. As you can see by some of the pictures, she needs to do some work with this hair of mine! It has a mind of its own! She has decided to come here and look for a job, so I can hardly wait. I am getting pretty familiar with many restaurants in Minneapolis! After daddy got home from work, we went to The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant, in downtown Minneapolis. That was a neat place!
This is that hair I was telling you about!

And I am pretty serious about it too!

I had to unsnap my jeans after lunch!

I am starting to give more smiles and coo~

Here I am waiting for the party to start at the Melting Pot.

Except for the salads, mommy, daddy, Emy and grandma cooked their food right at the table! Mommy really loved the mushrooms......................
Until the chocolate dessert fondue came out.................Then she really loved that part the best!!

Auntie Em loved the chocolate too....
And daddy sat back with a pineapple upside down cake martini!!
I decided to blow some bubbles on the way home!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 26th

Tonight we went to Bucca's ~ a favorite of my grandpa Tom's. It is an Italian restaurant and he shared lots of fun stories about my great-great grandpa Jim who was born in Italy! After that we shopped at a couple stores before coming home.
I am so ready for Bucca's!!

Mommy and daddy like this restaurant too!

Grandma, grandpa and me checking out all the pictures on the walls!

How about this cool toy Grandpa bought for me ~ When I kick the ball the bear's nose lights up and it plays music!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 25

Things have been going pretty well while mommy has been going to her clinicals. She comes home at noon to feed me, and grandma gives me a bottle when I need it, usually just one in the morning. Grandpa came to join us for the weekend, and I had a really good night. After supper mommy, grandma & grandpa were on bikes and daddy jogged and pushed my in the big jogging stroller. That was fun...........but grandma had a tough time going up the hill!! She said she will work on that!

Mommy with her work coat on!

Since grandma dressed me this morning, she thought this 'grandma' onesy from Aunt Glory was a good choice!!

I needed a little head protection, so we tried the afghan~ Maybe a bit warm, but it kept me from wobbling!!

WE made it back!

Grandpa and I spent a little time on the floor talking about the cool bike path we had just been on.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 23 ~ My first babysitter!

My mommy went back to finishing up her clinical hours today, and Grandma Nancy couldn't get here right away, but her friend Audrey came to the rescue!! She came to watch me while mommy was at the clinic, and she said I was a really good girl! Grandma was a little jealous that Audrey gave me the bottle before her, but she will get over it! Grandma says Audrey has a really cute grandson, but according to dad, there will be no boys until I am 18!!

Audrey giving me some lovin'

She liked to play with Bibby too!

That night Bill and Lindsey, friends of mom & dad stopped over to see me.

The Lake ~ July 20th

This was my second trip to the lake. It was sorta rainy and cool, but it was still fun. Grandpa & Grandma N came on Sunday. Grandpa was in the Detroit Lakes parade, so I had a few pics with him in his 'Kop' uniform. Maybe next year I will go to the parade and get some candy and sit on the little scooter!!

I was awake alot last night, but having a good sleep right now!

Still sleeping.....

Even on the arm of the couch, I just want to sleep! My mom & dad wish I would do this at night, but I come ALIVE at night!! ;)

Auntie Em and Marcus came to the lake too!

Do you see my new bracelet?

Cousin Hailey holding me!

Now Cousin Cari has me!

Getting another quick nap in so I am ready for the night!

Week Five

Sometimes I just have to remind them I am around!

I am really starting to notice things around me more now~

Now I am happy!

Ahhh, naps just don't get any better than this!!

Week Four

Here are some pics as I am growing and changing! When I went to the Doctor on the 8th of July, I weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces and was already 22 3/4 inches long! My hair is starting to get a little lighter too.

I really like to hold my head up!

Do you know that my daddy bought this bow for my hair!

I just have to make sure I don't miss anything!

Here is one of my books! I like the mirror in it and the colors!

How about these jeans from Auntie Heather...............

Do they make my butt look big??