Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday & Saturday Fun!

Grandma and Grandpa N got here tonight for a quick visit. We went to our favorite restaurant, El Toro, and had some fun. I can't have that food yet, but pretty soon! On Saturday morning we had breakfast, then we took off to go shopping and visit a student from Grandma's school that is in the Children's Hospital. I am sure there will be more pictures later, but here are just a few!

Daddy ordered the monster margarita, sorta by accident! He never thought it was going to be that big!

He and mommy could even share...................So cute!!

I was hanging out with Grandpa and Auntie Em.

Grandpa shared his Cinnamon bread with me this morning ~ Yummy!

Grandpa, You don't really care if I play with your glasses, right??!!

Here, I will just clean them up for you a bit!

I see me on a video on Mommy's camera!! That is my famous cheezy camera smile!!

Bibby and I just hanging out on the floor, both chewing on dog toys!!

I got Grandpa now!

What, another camera shot!!

Grandma, I just want to play with that pin!

My first lemon at Applebee's!

Maybe a little bit sour!

Daddy can't believe that mommy actually put a plastic bag over the top of my sippy cup ~ You know how my mommy is about germs!! :) It's a good thing she doesn't know everything that happens when Daddy and I are alone!

Maybe I will try that lemon one more time.

Not too bad ~

Well, now that I got it to squirt, I am not so sure anymore!!

First Crawls

Mommy took this video awhile ago when I was just starting to scoot! I move faster now, we'll have to video that next! I was happy when I made it to the camera cord!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Camera Smile!

I have some exciting news!! I have a cousin! Miles Jameson was born on Tuesday, January 20th! Mommy said we get to go see him, and I can hardly wait! That is going to be fun! Congrats Auntie Heather and Uncle Jeff!
Mommy went back to school, so off to Kim's I went on Tuesday. I haven't been there for awhile now, but we got reaquainted and I had a good day! Mommy thinks I am getting another tooth, cuz I haven't been sleeping very good and I am a little bit 'clingy' she says!
I am scooting all over the place now and nothing is safe!! I also have a pretty cheezy smile when I see that red light from the camera hitting my face!! I squint my eyes almost closed and smile so big! You will see what I mean in the pictures!! Bibby and I are playing more now too, and I really like his toys alot! He likes to give me kisses.............or lick my drool..................whatever it is, I don't think mommy likes it so much!!

Found my way under the what do you think about the smile??

Yup, it's me....You found me!!

Pretty happy after my bath!

See how my whole face becomes my smile!!

I can still be pretty serious when I need to be too!

I'm on a roll!!

Look out ~ I am ready to scoot out of here!

Ya, I know I won't get too far away! How can you resist a smile like this??

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Food verses Finger Paint!

Remember I told you the Doctor said I could start having some of those fun finger foods! Oh ya, I think those are pretty neat! I am still trying to get my fingers to pinch more, but that will come. I can certainly get them into my mouth! Not so sure about the sippy cup and juice, mommy's milk still rocks my world!! I got to go to my friend's 1st birthday party! Oh boy, did we have fun! Wait til you see those pictures.

Really, I finally get to eat something fun out of my favorite area..............the pantry!!

If I concentrate really hard, I know I can pick it up!

See mommy, I told you I could get it!

Do you think I could try some of those Skittles that daddy always gets??

I guess I will just have to stick with these for awhile!

That sunshine feels good on my head! We have just finished a really cold week!

So mommy, I really get to put that stuff on my hands and wipe it on this paper??

How am I doing so far?

I don't know if I should really be doing this?

I think it was better on the paper than in my mouth!! Mommy, my work here is finished, let's hit the bathtub!!

Look at this cool toy that Brooklyn has, and she let me play with it too!

I even got to wear a fancy hat for Brooklyn's Birthday! It was a fun night!

Friday, January 9, 2009

On the Go!!!

It has been a fun vacation having mommy more at home, but I think I heard her say her classes and practicums will be starting again soon! That is a bummer, but she will be done in May! I have had some company this week. My mommy's friend Carolyn came to our house with their little girl Molly while Damon, her husband was doing some recruiting for Moorhead. It was fun to have a little one around and you'll get to see her in some of the pictures. I went for my check-up and shots on Wednesday. I weighed 18.5 pounds and I'm in the 90th percentile for height! They told mommy I could start Cheerios now, so that will be fun I think! I have seen Kaden have fun with them all over the floor!! I like to scoot now and they never really know where they'll find me next!! I love the "Itsy, Bitsy Spider" and playing peek-a-boo!

This DVD player and Electronic area is one of my favorite places to be!

I graduated to a new carseat! Man~ I have lots of room in this one!

Here is another favorite place for me to be....Under the couch table!

WOW! This thing looks like it could be fun!

Hey Bibby! What do you think? Are you up for some destruction???

Can you take that camera away please? I have some work to do here and you just might not want to see it!!

Yup Bibby, it went over just like I planned!! If you help from your end, maybe we can get this thing back up before anyone notices!

Molly is here to play with me??

I promise, it wasn't me! I told her she could play with my toys!!

Molly, Do you want me to hold your hand?

I think she likes me now! We are gonna be just fine!!