Monday, April 27, 2009

I love stairs!!

I'm all over the place. I don't think it will be too much longer before I'm walking. I pull myself up and stand next to everything. I like to cruise around while holding on, and sometimes I only hold on with 1 hand. One of my favorite things to do is climb up the stairs. I've been practicing for over a month now and I can go up pretty fast...especially when I hear Mommy or Daddy coming. I still haven't quite figured out how to get back down though.
Mommy has been busy trying to finish up with school stuff. She says she's almost done!! I got to see where Mommy goes to school last week. Daddy and I walked around the campus while Mommy presented her paper to some teachers. She was so happy to get that done! Afterwards we all went to the Mall of America. We had a really fun day!
I'm gonna come get you!
See....I told you I can do these stairs!You better keep a close eye on me....I might just sneak up these stairs when you're not looking!
I need to get my hands on that camara!
Here's me with my neighbors, Riley and Lindsey. I think they're pretty cool! They gave me some letter magnets to play with on the fridge.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cancun-Moon Palace

The rest of our Cancun vacation we stayed at a resort called the Moon Palace. It was HUGE! There were also a lot of pools for me to try out. My favorite was playing under the umbrella, as long as Mommy packed some snacks. Grandpa Ken, Grandma Tarra, Uncle Craig and Amanda and Uncle Dustin and Keely were there too! I had fun playing with all of them. I even stayed the night with Grandpa Ken and Grandma Tarra one night, so Mommy and Daddy could stay out later than 8 o'clock! It was my very first "sleep over" and I was a good girl! Mommy only called once to check in on me!! We all had a great time on our Cancun vacation!
Daddy and me at one of the kid pools. I even went down some slides!
Ahoi Matie....time to set sail!
Come on Daddy....let's go to the next slide now!
Don't put me under that waterfall Grandma Tarra!
Betcha don't know I just did?! Good thing I've got my lil' swimmers on!
What's that I hear.....I'm staying the night with Grandma and Grandpa tonight???
Did you take my sunglasses?
This standing up on furniture is getting so easy!
It's tough laying out in that sun all day! I'm spent!!
The whole gang!
Me and Grandma and Grandpa
Me and Daddy! Check out my cute dress from Great Auntie Patsy and Uncle Kim.....aren't I so cute in it?!
Wheee!! So fun!
This water out of a wine glass is pretty cool! I'm such a big girl!
Life is good!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cancun-Isla Mujeres

We had such a good time in Mexico!! I was a good girl again on the plane rides. I didn't fuss at all. The plane wasn't too full, so I even got to take a nap on the seat between Mommy and Daddy. Just Daddy, Mommy and me stayed at an island called Isla Mujeres for the first 2 nights in Mexico. It was very nice there. There wasn't too many people around, so that was nice. We could eat whenever and wherever. We even got to eat right on the beach a few times! Mommy and Daddy were a little worried about me getting sick since I eat almost anything now, but I didn't. I really like chicken and cheese quesadillas...and of course all the fruit! I wasn't so sure about my sun hat right away, but I got used to it quickly. When Mommy first put the sunblock on my face, my eyes starting watering and my face got a little rash on it! They were a little worried, but it didn't last long and I was able to use it for the rest of the vacation....which was good, cause Mommy and Daddy's faces got pretty sun burnt!
What? I get to go swimming EVERY day if I want to?? This is going to be so much fun!
We had to get up very early the morning we left, so Daddy and I took a little nap at the airport.
Here's the port where we got on a ferry to take us to the island-Isla Mujeres. I liked to boat ride. The water was such a pretty blue!
We made it to our hotel!
Daddy couldn't resist.....he needed that magaretta!
Mommy and me playing under the umbrella.
I'm so funny in my sunglasses!
I didn't make a mess at all.....promise!

Me and Daddy taking a picture from the restaraunt we ate at. I got to stay out late some nights on vacation, so I got to see the sun go pretty.

Hahahahah......that tickles Mommy!

I loved our hammock outside our room! So fun!!
Wow, this feels pretty cool between my toes! Can we get sand like this at the lake for me to play in?
Mommy double-fistin' it!

How much longer 'til my fish gets here? I'm hungary!
Here we are in our hotel room. Daddy set the timer on the camara, so we could all be in a picture!

Here is a picture of us doing some shopping in the streets before dinner. So many colorful things to look at...and so many people would come up to me and want to see my blue eyes!

A view from our room.....Paradise!!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

More Oklahoma Pics

Here are some more pictures from our Oklahoma trip. These are from Auntie Em's camara. She took some pictures when we spent the day in Dallas, so you can see some of them now.
Mommy has been busy packing for our other trip....Cancun, Mexico. We leave early Tuesday morning. I'm going to be a pro at this flying thing!
See.....I'm playing nice with Miles.
Yummy toes!!
Mommy, Auntie Em, and Auntie Jen in the car on the way to Dallas. It was a little tight!!

Auntie Heather was the lucky one who got to sit on the floor in between me and Miles the whole way there. She had so much fun....especially when we both started crying! So fun!!
I love this picture of all of us!
Here is a picture of the building that the shooter who killed JKF was in. The shot came from the top window on the right. The museum we went to was actually in that building on the same floor.

The famous grassy knoll.

They put an X on the street where he was shot.

Here's me, Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Heather, Uncle Jeff and Miles on the grassy knoll.