Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Years Weekend....

I had a great new year's weekend. Grandma Nancy came on Thursday and Grandpa Ken and Grandma Tarra came on Friday. We had our neighbors over for new year's eve. I almost made it until midnight....11:00pm!! You can see my bruise/scratch on my right cheek in these pictures. I was running and fell into the couch....it really hurt!
No way! This car is for me?!!!
Thanks Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Tom! This car is awesome!!
Beep! Beep!
I can help you Grandma....
A cute little puppy from Billy...
Happy New Year!!
some of the crew....
Hahahahah.....that is so funny!
I'm trying to sit pretty so they can get pictures of me in my Christmas dress.....I'm just not in the mood.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A white Christmas....

It was a white....and quiet Christmas this year. We were planning on driving back to ND, but it just kept on snowing! So we had to stay here for Christmas. I was sad that I couldn't be with other family, but I had fun with just Mommy and Daddy too! Christmas Eve morning I got to go over to our neighbor's house while Mommy and Daddy worked. Mommy picked me up after lunch. I had fun playing with them...and even fell asleep with my friend/babysitter Riley! On Christmas Day we went over to my Great-Uncle Ross's house. There were 2 other girls there just my size....so I got to play with them.
Just eatin' a little cheese.....
Brrr....this ice cream is cold!
Look at all the snow!
The snow keeps getting my nose!
I'll help you shovel Daddy....
We'll be back after church Bibby....be a good boy!
These snow pants you bought me feel really weird....and I think I look funny in them too!

A fun weekend before Christmas....

The weekend before Christmas was a busy one....and lots of fun. I got to go to the Mall of America and see my friend Brooke, I got a brand new big girl bed, and on Sunday we celebrated Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Craig and Amanda, and Uncle Dusty and Keely.
What's that....they have car trouble and are stuck on interstate?! Oh no!!
You're so funny Uncle Dusty...
Ohhhh.....this opening up of presents is so fun!
No way!! My very own basketball hoop!! This is awesome! Thanks Uncle Dusty and Keely!
How did Great-Grandma Iris know I needed this stuff? She's good!
A little people nativity! This will be fun to play with!
I have to brush Dora's hair....thanks for the doll Dave and Vicki!
The ball is up......
.....and she scores!! Yahhhh!!!!!
Umm....Daddy....I don't know if I should be in here....it's rather cold!
Look! It's Dora!
Me and Brooke playing so nice and sharing......well, sorta sharing! :)

Las Vegas Trip....

We got to go to Las Vegas at the beginning of December. I got to see all my Aunties and Uncles, Grandma and Grandpa were there, and my cousin Miles was there too!! It was so much fun!! I helped make lefse, played outside, opened cool presents, ate lots of good food and played with all my Aunties and cousin Miles. I already miss all of them!
Is this for real??!! I can't believe it! He's really here!! Wake up Miles so we can go play!
I'll show you a great website Auntie Jenny....
Alright....this could be a little tricky...I could use a little help here....
Mommy and Daddy
Me and Mommy watching all the marathon runners. Daddy, Uncle Jeff and Auntie Heather all ran the half-marathon. Pretty impressive huh?!
Good job Daddy! I'm so proud of you!
Pumpkin pie....my favorite!
Me and "Santa"!
Don't worry Miles....I drive really good!
Bath time with Miles....
hahahah....that tickles Miles!
I've got this all under control.......promise!

Thanksgiving weekend...

OK, so I know I'm really behind.....like 2 months behind with updating the blog with new pictures. Mommy says she's gonna try get it up to date today. I'll try and be a good girl and let Mommy work on the computer, but it's just hard sometimes because I like to be up at the computer too! I love the computer!!
Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving weekend. We got to go back to ND. It was a lot of fun!! It was nice to see my family again....and I think they were excited to see me too!
You can hold me all day Grandpa.....as long as you keep giving me num nums!
I sure wish Kari lived closer to me....she'd be a good babysitter!
Aughhhhh!!! Get me down from here!
You see, if I stand up on my tip-toes I can reach just about anything! Jack pot....the turkey!!
I don't see what's so funny....Do my cheeks look full of food or what?
You are one great cook Great-Grandma!! I'll come eat at your place anytime!
Hey Grandma...you get to ride in the back with me? Awesome!!
I love riding in Grandma and Grandpa's big car.....I feel soooo big!
My mommy's told me all about you girls. I would love to have you come to my house and play....we'd have so much fun!